Techmino Hub

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  • ColdClear/9S

What is Techmino? Techmino

Techmino is a block-stacking game originally made by MrZ, along with several improvements by the open-source community. The game is made using Love2D. It has many game modes, including Sprint, Marathon, VS, a fully-customizable custom mode, and more!

Is Techmino open-source? Techmino

Yes. Techmino is licensed under the LGPL-3.0 license. You can find the source code here.

How do I get/download the game? Techmino
  1. Get the game from GitHub Releases.
  2. Download the correct file based on your OS.
  3. Extract compressed files as necessary.
  4. Run the executable.
Which OSes are supported? Techmino

Techmino can be run on the following platforms:

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux
  • Android
  • iOS*
  • Probably other platforms, if they support LÖVE
    (someone in the Discord had limited success with a Nintendo Switch)

*see the next FAQ entry for details.
Why can't I find Techmino in App Store (iOS)? TechminoMac/iOS

Techmino has received a warning about Copyright infringement from The Tetris Company. Techmino is no longer available on the App Store.
A TestFlight was made for Techmino, but unfortunately, the maximum number of members had been reached, and therefore, you can't download Techmino on iOS anymore. We apologize for the inconvenience. If it says the beta isn't accepting more testers, unfortunately, it is not available at this time.
You may want to check the next FAQ entry for more information.

— nekonaomii (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT and SweetSea)
I want to play Techmino on iOS or iPadOS without jailbreaking, but the TestFlight limit is full or the TestFlight build has expired. What should I do? TechminoMac/iOS

You can try to manually install the .ipa files from GitHub using Sideloadly:

  1. Get the .ipa files from the GitHub releases page. Find the version you want to install on this page, and then download “Techmino_iOS.ipa”.
  2. Download and install Sideloadly. This application is available for Microsoft Windows and macOS.
  3. Connect your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch to your computer with a USB cable.
  4. Drag the downloaded .ipa file into the Sideloadly window.
  5. Select your device, enter your Apple ID email address, and click “Start”.
  6. Enter your Apple ID and password in the pop-up window.
  7. Once the application is installed, go to Settings on your device, thenGeneral → VPN & Device Management (or Profiles & Device Management), and trust the profile you just installed.

If you are using Microsoft Windows, make sure you have iTunes installed on your computer. You can download it from the Apple’s official website.
For more information, visit the Sideloadly website.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
I want to play Techmino on iOS or iPadOS without jailbreaking, but I don't see an `.ipa` download on the latest release. TechminoMac/iOS

If you want to install a version of Techmino that has no ipa builds, you can follow these steps:

  1. Get the .ipa files from the GitHub releases page. Find any version with a valid .ipa file, then download “Techmino_iOS.ipa”.
  2. Change the extension of the .ipa file to .zip. Extract the .zip file.
  3. Go to ./Payload. If you are using Microsoft Windows, you will see a folder named “”. Open that folder and skip to step 5.
  4. If you are using macOS, you will see an application file named Control-click on it, then click on “Show package content” in the context menu.
  5. Locate Replace this file using the .love file you intend to install.
  6. Compress the Techmino iOS file into a .zip file again. Please choose the “no compression” option in your archive app when creating this zip file.
  7. Change the extension of the new .zip file back to .ipa.
  8. Follow the instructions of the previous FAQ entry.

Note that builds that are too far back in time may use a different build of LÖVE and may not work properly with this method.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
Why am I getting the error related to Cold Clear bot? (And how to fix it?) TechminoColdClear/9SError

This issue is usually — but not always — caused by missing files required to load the ColdClear bot.
Below is a list of ColdClear's files on different platforms:

Platform Files Note
Windows CCloader.dll
Linux lib/
MacOS CCloader.dylib Needs further investigation.
Android (x86) libAndroid/armeabi_v7a/
Android (x64) libAndroid/arm64_v8a/
iOS llibCCloader.a
Needs further investigation.
PS: It's probable that 2 files are required to build CCloader for iOS.

How to fix:

  1. Grab the ColdClear wrapper here. (Example: if you want to fix for Windows version, grab the file)
  2. Download Techmino's source code (click the green Code button and click Download ZIP)
  3. Extract downloaded files to seperate folders (Techmino source code to a folder, CCloader files to a folder)
  4. Copy necessarily files from CCloader folder to Techmino source code based on the path in the above table (you can check the table above to know the destination of these files).
  5. Build Techmino. Instructions can be found here.
— SweetSea (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
Remake? Tech. Galaxy

On 15 Jan, 2022, MrZ (the main dev of Techmino) opened an issue named “REMAKE NOW” on the GitHub page. According to MrZ himself, the current Techmino contains too many bugs that he needs to remake the whole game from scratch in order to resolve them.
Although it's still far from complete, you can view the source code here.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
How can I play Techmino: Galaxy (the remake)? Tech. Galaxy

Do understand that Galaxy is still rather early in development, and does not necessarily give the best experience.

The easiest way to obtain Techmino: Galaxy is through GitHub Actions.
(note: you need a GitHub account to download artifacts in GitHub Actions.)

  • Go to Techmino Galaxy's Actions page.
  • Select one workflow run from the list.
    A green tick mark means this run has successfully built all versions without errors.
    A red cross means there were some errors, but doesn't necessarily mean your version wasn't built successfully.
  • Scroll down to "Artifacts" and download your desired platform's version, or scroll further down to "Post-build summary" for links to mirrors to download from.

Alternatively, obtain the source code and Love2D binary separately, and use the Love2D binary to open the source code.
To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Get the latest version of LÖVE.
  2. Download the repo from GitHub (or just run a quick git clone if you have Git installed).
  3. Check if the Zenitha folder is empty. If it is, clone Zenitha and put everything inside the folder into Zenitha in Techmino_Galaxy.
  4. Drag and drop the entire Techmino_Galaxy folder onto love.exe (or, depending on your OS)

Also, if you often update the game, consider following this guide made by SweetSea.
Note: MrZ does not recommend talking about Techmino: Galaxy's contents, especially things that can still change a lot, in public places.
Unless you have otherwise a good reason, might as well respect his recommendation. Thank you!

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
Why does this game only have Sprint? Techmino

You need to play it in order to unlock the other modes. Lines coming out from mode icons indicate whether this mode can unlock other modes. To unlock subsequent modes, you need to reach at least B rank on the mode — this would be 1m 2s for Sprint 10L, or 3m 3s for Sprint 40L.

— User670 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
But I don't want to have to unlock all the modes! Techmino

There's a cheat code to unlock all the modes in the game. Here are the instructions:

  1. Go to the main menu.
  2. Open the terminal by pressing on the Techmino logo 4 times.
  3. Type in unlockall and follow the instructions.
Is this Guideline? Techmino

Close, but no. Some more important differences from Guideline are: it defaults to a custom rotation system that is based on SRS but has more kicks, has all spin and O-spin. This game also has a different attack table.

— User670 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
What are the AI players? TechminoColdClear/9S

The game uses two AIs: ColdClear and 9Stacker.

  • Cold Clear is developed by MinusKelvin. It is capable of performing T-Spins, Back-to-Backs and Perfect Clears. It is reported to be laggy on low-end devices when playing Battle Royale modes.
  • 9Stacker is a more "stupid" algorithm, capable of only finesse and hard dropping.

— User670 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
Does this game support controllers? Techmino

Yes! Feel free to adjust button mappings in Settings > Key Settings.

— User670 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
How do I play multiplayer? / I can't sign up for an account! TechminoMultiplayer

Unfortunately, as of December 2023, the server is down. The server maintainer, Particle_G, has not been active for quite a while. It's recommended that you treat this game as a single-player game until this problem is resolved.

How do I change the game's language? Techmino

In the main menu, click the button with a globe icon. That's the select language button.

— User670 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
Who are the voice actors for the voice packs? What are the voice languages? Techmino
  • Miya is a virtual live streamer who used to play a lot of block stacking games. Voice language: Japanese (line clears); Japanese, Chinese and Cat (others)
  • Mono is an artist, however her online profile had been wiped clean. Voice language: Japanese
  • Xiaoya is a fellow block stacker player. She introduces herself as "Xia Xiaoya, a brand new type of duck." Voice language: English (line clears); Chinese (others)
  • flore is a fellow block stacker player, featured in this article. Voice language: English (line clears), various languages (others)
  • Miku is a voice bank for the Japanese voice synthesizer Vocaloid. Voice language: Japanese
  • Zundamon is a voice bank for various voice synthesizer programs. Voice language: Japanese

While MrZ does not have a voice pack, there used to be a "Welcome to Tech" voice clip that was recorded by MrZ himself.

— User670 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
How do I extract, view, or replace the game's assets and code? TechminoTech. Galaxy

The Techmino.exe file (Windows) or file (anything else) are valid zip archives. Using a software like 7-Zip, you can view, extract or replace any file(s) in it, including assets and lua scripts.
Alternatively, you can check out the game's source code on GitHub.

— User670 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
Anti-addiction system? Techmino

The game has an anti-addiction system that prevents playing for too long. It only takes into effect if you're playing the game in Chinese with a Sprint 10L time of over 10s, a Sprint 40L time of over 32.6s, and you have been playing for 4 hours. The timer resets on midnight. Although this feature isn't required because the game hasn't been registered in China, it's still a pretty cool Easter egg.

— NOT_A_ROBOT (information from User670)
Can I upload a video of Techmino, or livestream me playing it? Techmino

Previously we demanded that you ask for permission before doing so, but the legality of such requirement has been questioned.
However, we do beg you that, if you decide to share any screenshots, videos or live streams of Techmino, please keep them within the Tetris community. We do not want too much publicity for the time being.

— User670
MrZ voice pack when? Techmino

Probably never.

— NOT_A_ROBOT (information from User670)
My game crashed/closed without a bluescreen! TechminoColdClear/9SError

If the crash happened while an AI player is loaded (eg, in a VS mode game or on the title screen), it is likely an issue of Cold Clear, the bot AI we use. We can't do much about it.
You can still try to ask around about the crash, especially when it happens without an AI on screen.

— User670
How do I access the in-game console/terminal? Techmino
My external keyboard isn’t working with Techmino! Techmino

Try plugging and unplugging your keyboard, or reconnecting your keyboard if you are using a Bluetooth keyboard. This kind of issue typically only happens on mobile devices. For iOS and iPadOS users, that is an issue we can not fix for now. This might be related to the iOS distro of LÖVE or how iOS recognises external keyboards. At the same time, you can still use the on-screen virtual keys.

— C29H25N3O5
Why can't I install Techmino on macOS? TechminoMac/iOSError

This is because Techmino isn’t on the Mac App Store.
To fix this issue, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy.
Click on the lock icon on the lower-left corner and enter your password (or use Touch ID).
Then, select “App Store and identified developers” under the “Allow apps downloaded from” menu.
Reopen the app and you are all set.

— C29H25N3O5
My main menu only has big buttons for Sprint and Marathon. (simplistic mode) Techmino

You probably have enabled “Simplistic Mode.” In this mode, only a few essentials modes and functions are available. Simply go to the settings and uncheck the “Simplistic Mode” to fix it.

— C29H25N3O5
I see an icon that is like the "thinking" emoji, but with a Z tetromino. What is this? Techmino

It means “Tetris”! Due to possible risk of receiving DMCAs from TTC, we have decided to replace all instances of the word “Tetris” in the game with 󰀕.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
I got a purple screen of death, what does that mean? TechminoError

It's the same as a blue screen crash. It may occasionally appear as a small easter egg.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
How can I download the in-game soundtracks? Techmino

The Techmino OST is now available on SoundCloud! You can download the full soundtracks here free of charge (with a CC BY 3.0 License).

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
How can I view the rank requirements for each mode? Techmino

First, go to our GitHub repo, then navigate to /parts/modes to find the mode file (.lua) you want to open.
After that, look for a piece of the code that looks like this (this will going to be different for each mode; this example uses sprint_40l.lua):

if P.stat.row<40 then return end
local T=P.stat.time
    T<=26 and 5 or
    T<=36 and 4 or
    T<=52.6 and 3 or
    T<=92.9 and 2 or
    T<=183 and 1 or

The first line means that if P.stat.row is less than 40 (which means that you didn’t finish the 40L sprint), your grade is not recorded.
The variable’s name that goes after local is the category of the requirement (in this example, time (in seconds)).
The 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 correspond to X, U, S, A, and B grades in the game. 0 also means your grade is not recorded (in this example, when your time exceeds 183 seconds).

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
How can I perform O-Spins? TechminoTech. Galaxy

There are two kinds of O-spins: transformative O-spins and translational O-spins. Transformative O-spins are only possible with TRS, while translational O-spins are possible with TRS, BiRS, and ASC; so make sure you have the correct rotation system.
To perform a transformative O-spin, move the O block in an appropriate “hole,” then use the following rotations to do the trick:

O → Z: LRL
O → S: RLR
O → J: LLR
O → L: RRL
O → T: LLL & RRR
O → I: FFF

Here is a useful GIF demonstrating this:

To perform a translational O-spin, you can use the fact that some rotation systems have kicks, and use that to put the O-piece in a hole. A notable oddity is BiRS, where you have to hold the correct arrow keys (move left/right/soft drop) to try to "bias" the kick in that direction, and then trying to rotate the O-piece. More info is available in the in-game Zictionary.

Here's a demonstration of translational O-spins:

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
How can I download the latest snapshot (dev) version of Techmino? Techmino

If you really want to test out the latest features of Techmino, the GitHub CI would generate a snapshot version of the app for every commit. Note that the snapshot versions might be unstable and contain many bugs, and that you need to be logged in to your GitHub account to download the artifacts (game builds).
If you want to test them out on iOS devices, you need to install the .ipa files manually.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
I am using an ARM version of Linux. Why can’t I play Techmino on my device? TechminoLinux

Unfortunately, the ARM distros of Linux are not yet supported by LÖVE, so you cannot do that. If you really want to play it on your device, we recommend you to use box64/box86 with Wine to run the Windows distro of the game. Note that you cannot open .AppImage files using box64/86 directly.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
I am using an M1 Mac. Can I play Techmino on my device? TechminoMac/iOS

Yes! LÖVE supports M1 Macs. If you are using older versions that don’t support M1, just use Rosetta 2 (which is built within the system so you don’t have to do anything).

— C29H25N3O5
How can I transfer my data from one device to another? Techmino

Simply go to Statistics > Data Management, and you will see these buttons. Then you can copy and paste the data using your clipboard.

— C29H25N3O5
How do I make and import my own block skin? Techmino

This is an example block skin for your reference:

  • The block skin is a png file with a dimension of at least 240 × 90.
  • The image is divided into a 3 ×8 array of blocks, with each block having a dimension of 30× 30.

To import your skin into the game:
  1. Make your block skin and export it into a png file.
  2. Move you skin to ./media/image/skin/.
  3. Add the following code into ./main.lua at around line 315, after SKIN.load- (replace <SKINNAME> with the filename of the skin):
  4. Start the game. You will find your skin appearing in the block skin list.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
Techmino Galaxy macOS error: cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. Tech. GalaxyMac/iOSError

This is because the Gatekeeper on macOS won’t let the user open any app that is not signed or notarized on default. However, there is an easy way to bypass this: control–click Techmino (Galaxy).app and select “Open” from the pop-up menu, then select “Open” from the window.

— C29H25N3O5
Techmino macOS error: will damage your computer. You should move it to the Trash. TechminoMac/iOSError

If you get this message instead, option-click Techmino (Galaxy).app, select “Get Info” from the menu, then check the “Override Malware Protection” checkbox. You should now be able to open it.

Techmino is not malware and will not damage your computer.
As far as we know, this issue only appears on the dev and snapshot versions that are not signed.

— C29H25N3O5
Why Techmino is displayed in portrait mode on iOS (especially on iPhone)? TechminoMac/iOSError

Apparently, this is a bug that happens in iOS. The “Portrait” mode in settings seems to do nothing on iOS. Therefore, the only solution is to enter Techmino in landscape mode:

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen or double-tap the home button to enter App Switcher, then swipe up to quit Techmino.
  2. Disable the rotation lock if you haven’t already.
  3. Rotate your device to landscape mode. It is okay if the contents on the home screen don’t seem to be rotated to landscape view — this is normal as long as you hold the device in a landscape manner.
  4. Enter Techmino. Everything should be okay now.

Note that if you “swipe quit” the app again, you may need to repeat the procedure above.

— C29H25N3O5 (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
How do I configure touch screen controls in Techmino Galaxy? Tech. Galaxy

Touch screen controls work slightly differently from the original Techmino, and you need to visit two screens to fully set up touch controls.

  • Turn on the "Enable touch controls" switch and click the "Touch controls..." button
  • On this screen, you can add, remove, move, resize buttons (but they don't have actions assigned to them yet)
  • Go back, and enter "Key mappings..."
  • On this screen, click an action, then click a button to assign the button an action
— C29H25N3O5
The Techmino Galaxy UI looks different from some other people's screenshots! Are there only three modes (Dig Practice, 40 Lines and Marathon)? Tech. Galaxy

The other interface, along with other modes, are unlockable! Poke around.

— C29H25N3O5
In Techmino Galaxy, how do I unlock all the music tracks? Tech. Galaxy

In the music room, turn off the BGM volume on the bottom right, stop the music in bottom middle, and spam click "full band" on the bottom left.
Alternatively, press alt+` (backtick) to unlock them temporarily.

— nekonaomii (edited by NOT_A_ROBOT)
In Techmino Galaxy, how do I access the Zenitha console? Tech. Galaxy

After you unlock the Exterior, go back to the Interior and spam-click the now-disabled Settings button.

— nekonaomii
When will Tech League (ranked matchmaking) come out? TechminoMultiplayer

Probably never. According to MrZ:

… I don't plan to do [Tech League right now]… The previous system is not good as expected, if I want to do it I will rather add it to Techmino Galaxy… When I finish that, [I] will change the old button to an ad [for Techmino Galaxy’s “League”].

Key takeaway: Tech League will be implemented in Techmino Galaxy in the future. It will not be implemented in the “Classic” Techmino.

— C29H25N3O5
How should I calculate the attack in Techmino? Techmino

Please use this table as a reference:

— C29H25N3O5
How is B2B2B calculated in Techmino? Techmino

Use this table to calculate B2B2B meter (on the left of the playfield):

— nekonaomii

The questions in this FAQ are originally sourced from Techmino's official Discord server, but slightly modified for easier finding.
If you have any questions that are not answered here, feel free to ask in the Discord server!